Neoprene Western Saddle Girth





Out of stock



Neoprene Western Saddle Girth with buckles.

“I use nothing but these girths as they protect Horses, give more comfort and support, do not girth gall and find that young or suspect Horses are less girthy with them. I can also hose them down every day to control fungicidal rashes etc.”

These come with BUCKLE UP or RING for the Latigo.

Lengths:  (Outside of Buckle to Outside of Buckle)

Clydesdale 1000mm
Full 830mm
Cob 670mm
Pony 645mm




I get a lot of questions about the Latigo system. Like this…..


“I have not used latigos before – are they a better system than the standard stock saddle girthing system?  If so I’m happy to use them and learn, but if there is no real advantage I’d prefer to stay with the standard girthing system.”


The Latigo system is a far stronger system, far more Horse friendly due to the even and smooth adjusting of the Girth as against the Human almost putting their Hip out of joint and screwing the Skin of the Horse as they go from one strap to the next and back. The strap system is also more likely to create girthiness and is far less safe due to being prone to Breaking during work. Further, the Latigo system outlasts the Girth Straps with ease.


The system does up like this:


Latigo 1 Latigo 2 Latigo 3 Latigo 4 Latigo 5 Latigo 6