Welcome to the best horse starting system on the planet.
- The system is easy
- The system is for ‘Dummies’
- The system is the safest for Horse and Handler
- It includes the World’s best Mouthing systems and “air brakes”
- It includes a range of DVD’s Tailor made throughout …and
- It includes the Equipment required to do the job right …..and…..
- It includes private Video of various steps about other systems not on this Site.
- and, I will hold your Hand via Youtube, as you go through the steps.
You have nothing to lose for at the end, if you aren’t quite game to get on, just get the Local Cowboy in and tell him what to do. Your Horse will have a better Mouth than most going around anyway.
So how does it work?
- You contact me and give me the profile of the Horse and you.
- I work you through a list of
- my DVD’s
- and my other intellectual property
- and private videos on youtube.
- You upload video along the road for me to watch and comment on (Homework)
- No charge for my time. Just for DVD’s and Equipment.
- At the end I tell you if you can get on or get a Pro out for first ride.
- Inter-state and international only.
- Live on Line. (ADSL 2+ 3G or 4G required)
- $88 (AUD) per hour
- After you buy, instructions will be posted to you.
Start anywhere!
Click here for more info or you can email HorseProblems@HorseProblems.com.au for lessons.